marine sediment and overlying seawater

dcterms created equal to or less than 2017-08-03T05:14:34+00:00equal to or more than 2017-08-03T05:14:34+00:00
dcterms modified equal to or less than 2017-08-04T01:17:13+00:00equal to or more than 2017-08-04T01:17:13+00:00
broader original
marine_sediment_and_overlying_seawater original
definition A marine sediment core that is collected together with the overlying water, as in a core incubation experiment, or a known area of seafloor and overlying water column, as in a chamber incubation experiment.
source Geoscience Australia
Resource original
Concept original
contributor GA_Sedgmen.Lara_Admin original
creator GA_Sedgmen.Lara_Admin original