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Advanced Search

Advanced Search Tips

Title / eCatID / Keywords

Title: Search Title field for presence of any word/phrase entered.

eCatID: Multiple eCatIDs may be entered if separated by commas.

Keywords: Provide minimum 1 characters to show predictive Keywords.


Author: Type at least one character to show the list of author names.

Creation Date / Publication Date / Temporal Extent Period

To search for records by Created/Published/Temporal Extent Period use the 'Date Range' option. By selecting the caret you are able to specify a date range. The options are: Today/Yesterday/This week/This month/Last 3 months/Last 6 months/This year.

ABOUT US Governance graphic

Geoscience Australia is Australia's pre-eminent public sector geoscience organisation. We are the nation's trusted advisor on the geology and geography of Australia. We apply science and technology to describe and understand the Earth for the benefit of Australia.


Geoscience Australia maintains an extensive catalogue for its data, publications, online tools, maps and videos that have been approved for publication. These products are available to the general public free of charge via the Data and Publications Search on the Geoscience Australia internet page https://www.ga.gov.au.

Geoscience Australia’s Data and Publications Search Tool is a customised open source application called GeoNetwork. The catalogue is based on the international metadata profile ISO 19115:2014 and also incorporates Geoscience Australia's business, technical and user requirements. For further information on Geosciences Australia’s data standards click here.


The types of Data and Products discoverable in the Data and Publications Search, include but are not limited to, web services, portals, educational products, datasets, documents, posters, multimedia, software, maps, models, abstracts, physical items and databases.

Access to the product output may take different forms, such as download links to files, links to web services, portals, databases, datasets and multimedia etc.

Access to the physical items can be gained by contacting Client Services

The ‘Search bar’ allows you to query all metadata fields of the Data and Publications catalogue for any occurrence of text or a Catalogue ID. Use the ‘Search bar’ facility to type your query and then click on the magnifying glass to execute your search.


  • Entering ‘Bathymetry’ will display results that have an occurrence of ‘Bathymetry’ in any metadata field of the catalogue record, for e.g. ‘Title’, ‘Abstract’, ‘Lineage’, ‘Purpose’ or any metadata field that may make reference to it.
  • Entering an ‘author’s’ name will display results that have an occurrence of the name in any metadata field of the catalogue metadata record, for e.g. ‘Author’, ‘Point of Contact’ or any metadata field that may make reference to it.
  • Entering an ‘eCat ID’ will display catalogue records with an occurrence of the catalogue ID in any metadata field of the catalogue metadata record, for e.g. ‘eCat ID’ field, ‘associated record’ or any metadata field that may make reference to it.

The ‘Advanced Search’ allows you to query a specific metadata field. Click on ‘Advanced’ in the search bar to open the ‘Advanced Search’. The Data and Publications Tool will search that specific field in all catalogue metadata records for any occurrence of the entered text, author’s name or catalogue ID.


  • Entering ‘Bathymetry’ in the ‘Title’ search will query the ‘Title’ field of the metadata of all catalogue records and only display the records with ‘Bathymetry’ in their Title.
  • Entering a name in the ‘Author’ field will only display the records with that name in the Author field of the catalogue record.
  • Entering a catalogue ID in the ‘eCat ID’ search will query the ‘eCat ID’ field of the metadata of all catalogue records and should only display that specific catalogue record.

Further guidance can be found in the help videos

The presence of an asterisk beside names that appear under the Title of the record denotes they are a co-author rather than an author.

We recommend that you use Google Chrome as other platforms (e.g. Internet Explorer) may have issues with displaying the Data and Publications Search correctly.


Any queries about or feedback for the Data and Publications Search can be directed to Geoscience Australia’s Client Services:
Email   clientservices@ga.gov.au
Call 1800 800 173


Add a Layer from

No record found with one or more maps registered.

No record found with one or more WMS layers registered.


Manage layers

  • Google mercator (EPSG:3857)


Filter data

Select a layer on the map to begin filtering associated WFS features (if any). Features must first have been indexed by an administrator.

WFS not available.


Draw a line on the map and find it's length in this panel


Print current map

Some layers on this map contains white spaces on their name. Layers with white spaces may not be properly printed.

Use a WPS process

Enter a WPS endpoint URL to begin using the process through a dynamic form. Recently used WPS processes are shown in the second tab.

The record with identifier 12158 was not found or is not shared with you. Try to sign in if you've an account.


Related Keywords

Publication details

This product was created on and published on

About the resource
eCat Id

Metadata Standard

Scope Code
Technical Information
The record with identifier 12158 was not found or is not shared with you. Try to sign in if you've an account.


Related Keywords

Publication details

This product was created on and published on

About the resource
eCat Id

Metadata Standard

Scope Code
Technical Information